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Introduction to MoorMaster NxG
Next generation mooring designed for easy integration in existing terminals
Slimmer design
MoorMaster NxG’s slimmer design fits virtually any berth, making it easy to integrate in existing ports
Smoother installation
A simple two-step installation process allows for installation between calling vessels
Smarter operations
Smart sensors, remote monitoring and predictive maintenance prevent downtime
Advanced software increases performance
MoorMaster NxG benefits from patented Active Control and comes prepared for machine learning
Improved port productivity
Faster mooring and increased vessel stability save time and improve port productivity
Improved fuel efficiency
MoorMaster saves fuel and reduces emissions, as seen at the ports of Helsinki and Tallinn
Increasing safety
No ropes under tension, improved situational awareness and reduced emissions make for safer and healthier operations
Trust through experience
Long-standing customer SeaRoad explains the benefit of partnering with Cavotec
Case studies
Features and benefits
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